Tên sản phẩm : (Leg Vein Support)
Số Sản Phẩm # : 10675
Thương hiệu : Health & Food Corp.
Country of Origin : USA
Gói : 60 Capsules
Giá bán lẻ : $39.45
Giá của chúng tôi : $29.45
Savings Amount : $10 (25% Off)
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Mô tả Sản phẩm
Leg Vein Support is a unique formula that combines two powerful antioxidant flavonoids to supports healthy blood flow in the legs and throughout the body.

Supports Circulation
Promotes Strong Veins
Delivers Leg Nutrition

Diosmin powder 90%

Horse Chestnut Extract
(Aesculus hippocastanum) (seed)

Butcher’s Broom Extract
(Ruscus aculeatus) (root)

Gotu Kola Extract
(Centella asiatica) (whole plant)

Hesperidin Bioflavonoid
(Citrus spp.) (pericarp)

Bilberry Extract
(Vaccinium myrtillus) (fruit)

Dandelion Root
(Taraxacum officinale

Directions :For liver detox, take 2 capsules a day with water.
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