Ime item : (Butchers Broom)
Število Izdelek # : 10143
blagovne znamke : Herbsis
Country of Origin : USA
Paket : 1 FL.OZ(30ML)
Maloprodajna cena : $39.25
Naša Cena : $29.25
Savings Amount : $10 (25% Off)
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US Shipping: Free shipping on orders over $ 50
International Shipping: Free shipping on orders over $ 100

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opis izdelka

Butchers Broom has a long history of use in herbal medicine traditions as a diuretic and blood vessel toner. In the treatment of poor circulation, irregular heart rhythm, and other related heart problems. Broom is known for it`s cleansing and diuretic properties, which makes it useful for treating bladder infections and reducing cellulite.

1. Maintain circulation support

2. Support healthy artery function

3. Manage swelling

4. Support healthy inflammation management

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