Ime item : (Cosmetic formula for Hair Care)
Število Izdelek # : 10003
blagovne znamke : AARON HEALTH
Country of Origin : USA
Paket : 60 capsules
Maloprodajna cena : $49.95
Naša Cena : $39.95
Savings Amount : $10 (20% Off)
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opis izdelka
Cosmetic formula for Hair Care is the ultimate black hair care product and hair regrowth formula.
It`s a fact that hair needs proper nutrition to grow healthy, strong and beautiful.
Cosmetic formula for Hair Care a unique combination of vitamins and essential natural herbs to promote fast hair growth in black.
Also, the benefit is thicker, fuller, healthier hair for men and women.
Research indicates that the primary cause of hair thinning in men and women is DHT (dihydrotestosterone)- the bad form of the hormone testosterone.
As we age,
DHT builds up in the scalp and damages the hair producing follicles which eventually die.
Cosmetic formula for Hair Care can help reduce daily hair loss, grow thicker and fuller hair, grow hair faster and longer, and reduce hair damage.
Hair loss in women has five major causes: inadequate nutrition, physical or emotional stress, thyroid levels, DHT buildup in follicles, and side effects of medication.
Cosmetic formula for Hair Care is a nutritional, herbal, and homeophathic formula 
that addresses all five major causes of hair loss.

Suggested Serving:
For best results, take 2 capsules daily for at least 8 weeks.
Results are usually seen within 4 to 8 weeks and improve with continued use.

Do not use if safety seal under cap is broken or missing. If pregnant or nursing, or if symptoms persist, see a doctor. Keep out of reach of children. No known contraindications or side effects if used as directed.

take 2 capsules daily for at least 8 weeks.--
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